Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bath Time

We posted some new pictures to the NICU album on the website. One of the nurses was nice enough to take one of Peyton with her Mom and Dad!

Saturday is bath day at the NICU, so we scrubbed everyone up. We can only wash them down with a washcloth, so I think they all get pretty cold during the bath process. They all expressed their displeasure at being taken from their warm beds at first, but then they all seemed to enjoy it!

Peyton is still taking three bottles a day, and she's doing very well with that. She's almost to four pounds now, which is great news. Adah has joined Sam at four bottles a day, although she's a much better eater than Sam. He's pretty lazy, and usually falls asleep about halfway through his meal. The nurses are confident he'll get better as he gets older. Their gestational age is 34 weeks as of Saturday, and they seem to be doing very well considering they're still 6 weeks shy of their due date.

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